get involved

Are you interested in being involved with the KCA? We have several volunteer opportunities such as becoming a member of our Board, assisting with events, participation in upcoming meetings and many other ways to make a difference in our community. If interested, send an email to
The Kierland Community Alliance is an all volunteer organization, yet we do maintain minimal expenses for such things as printing, website, communications, and outreach. Your donations are appreciated!
Invite Your Neighbors to KCA
Encourage your neighbors to get involved in development within our area. Sign up for our Newsletter, share our website or contact our Board members for more information.
Participate in a City Meeting
Click Here to see upcoming city meetings including Paradise Valley Village, Planning and Zoning and city of Phoenix council meetings.
Contact Our Council Representative
Contact City Council member Jim Waring to share your thoughts on development in the area.
In Person
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Over the Phone
Coming Soon